Field Types
A Fields Tab is any tab on a Data Entry Template (DET) that can contain a customisable list of fields that can be created and modified by Master Users.
There are 4 base field types used in the ValuePRO system that determine what type of data is stored for the field, of which each base field type has a number of specific field types that determine how a field is displayed to the user. These base field types are:
ValuePRO provides all new applications with a standard set of Data Entry Templates with Fields Tabs already pre-configured with fields that are used to generate the industry standard API Reports, as well as the fields required for LIXI communications between the external Valex and VMS systems.
Note: Master Users are trained by ValuePRO when the company is onboarded to ValuePRO, on how to modify the Data Entry Templates and how to reposition fields, add fields, remove fields and modify fields.
Text Field Types
Text fields are used to store any amount of text for each job in the database, from one word to several paragraphs.
There are several different interfaces available in ValuePRO for users to enter the text values, which are outlined below.
There are specific Field Card settings that are applied to Text field types only:
- Maximum Field Value Length - This allows the Master User to restrict the number of characters entered in the field.
- Include in Spell Check - Master Users can enable this Field setting to include the field text in the spell checker.
Auto Suggest Multi Line Field
The Auto Suggest Multi Line field will appear on the DET as a memo field and is generally used to store paragraphs of text. Once the user begins to type, ValuePRO will auto suggest any matching paragraphs that are stored in the lookup list against the field, which the user can select.
The ellipsis button [ ... ] is also available beside the text field to allow the user to access the lookup list and select an option.
Master Users are able to control the width and height of the memo field that appears on the tab using the Field Height (pixels) and Field Width (pixels) field settings.
Auto Suggest Multi Line - Titled Field
The Auto Suggest Multi Line Titled field is very similar to the Auto Suggest Multi Line field, where it will appear on the DET as a memo field and is generally used to store paragraphs of text. The difference, however, lies within the way the lookup list values are stored.
The options for the lookup list for this field type are store with a shorter title value and the longer paragraph value. The user can begin typing the title of lookup option and ValuePRO will auto suggest any matching titles that are stored in the lookup list against that field. Once the user selects a title value, ValuePRO will transfer the longer paragraph value into the field.
The ellipsis button [ ... ] is also available beside the text field to allow the user to access the lookup list and select an option.
Master Users are able to control the width and height of the memo field that appears on the tab using the Field Height (pixels) and Field Width (pixels) field settings.
Auto Suggest Single Line Field
The Auto Suggest Single Line field will appear on the DET as a single line text field and is generally used to store a shorter, single line of text. Once the user begins to type, ValuePRO will auto suggest any matching paragraphs that are stored in the lookup list against the field, which the user can select.
The ellipsis button [ ... ] is also available beside the text field to allow the user to access the lookup list and select an option.
Master Users are able to control the width and height of the memo field that appears on the tab using the Field Height (pixels) and Field Width (pixels) field settings.
Composite Field
Composite field types are designed to group together a set of fields that are used to generate a value, specifically Property Address and Certificate of Title Detail information.
When the Job Card initially loads, all Composite fields will be automatically collapsed and the single field will appear grayed out. If the grouped fields contain data, the single grayed out field will contain a composite value in it, otherwise it will appear blank.
Each Composite field will have an arrow down button beside it which will expand the Composite field when clicked (Property Address button (1) and Certificate of Title Details button (2)).
The Property Address composite field, once expanded, will provide the user with the following fields:
- Lot Type (This field only appears if the Show Lot Number Field on New Job Wizard setting is turned on)
- Lot No (This field only appears if the Show Lot Number Field on New Job Wizard setting is turned on)
- Unit Number
- Floor/Level
- Estate (This field only appears if the Show Estate field on New Job Wizard setting is turned on)
- Street Number
- Street Name
- Locality/Suburb (This field only appears if the Show Suburb setting is turned on)
- State
- Post Code
- Country (This field only appears if the Show Country setting is turned on)
If the Enable Multiple Addresses Per Valuation setting is turned on, the Add Address button is visible.
The Certificate of Title Details composite field, once expanded, will provide the user with the following fields:
- Type of Title
- Tenure
- Title Classification
- Title Reference 1 Label & Title Reference 1 Value
- Title Reference 2 Label & Title Reference 2 Value
- Title Reference 3 Label & Title Reference 3 Value
- Title Reference 4 Label & Title Reference 4 Value
Memo Field
The Memo field will appear on the DET as a large multi-line field and is generally used to store paragraphs of text.
Master Users are able to control the width and height of the memo field that appears on the tab using the Field Height (pixels) and Field Width (pixels) field settings.
Memo Pop Up Select Field
The Memo Pop Up Select field will appear on the DET as a large multi-line field and is generally used to store paragraphs of text.
The ellipsis button [ ... ] is available beside the text field to allow the user to access the lookup list and select an option to populate the field.
Master Users are able to control the width and height of the memo field that appears on the tab using the Field Height (pixels) and Field Width (pixels) field settings.
Memo Pop Up Select - Titled Field
The Memo Pop Up Select Titled field will appear on the DET as a large multi-line field and is generally used to store paragraphs of text.
The ellipsis button [ ... ] is available beside the text field to allow the user to access the lookup list and select an option to populate the field. The options for the lookup list for this field type are store with a shorter title value and the longer paragraph value. The user can expand a lookup option details under the title to view the full paragraph value. Once the user selects a title value, ValuePRO will transfer the longer paragraph value into the field.
Master Users are able to control the width and height of the memo field that appears on the tab using the Field Height (pixels) and Field Width (pixels) field settings.
Memo Pop Up Select - No Close Field
The Memo Pop Up Select field will appear on the DET as a large multi-line field and is generally used to store paragraphs of text.
The ellipsis button [ ... ] is available beside the text field to allow the user to access the lookup list and select an option to populate the field. Once an option has been selected, the lookup list window will remain open to allow the user to pick more options rather than closing automatically.
Master Users are able to control the width and height of the memo field that appears on the tab using the Field Height (pixels) and Field Width (pixels) field settings.
Pop Up Select Field
The Pop Up Select field will appear on the DET as a single line text field and is generally used to store a shorter, single line of text.
The ellipsis button [ ... ] is also available beside the text field to allow the user to access the lookup list and select an option.
Radio Bar Yes/No/Unknown Field
The Radio Bar Yes/No/Unknown field provides the user with the following select of options: Yes, No or Unknown. The selected value will be stored as a text value in the system, for example, if the user selects Yes, then the text Yes will be recorded. It is important to remember that this is a text field and not a boolean field that records a true or false value.
This field type can be used as an alternative to a Boolean Field Type where the user wants to record a yes or no value, but also requires a third option of unknown.
Select List & Select Enabled Fields
The Select List and Select Enabled fields provides the user with a drop-down list on the screen with a selection of option determined from the field's lookup list. This field is used when there is a specific list of options that the user is allowed to choose from.
If there are no options available in the lookup list, an empty drop-down list will be visible with the text No Lookup Table available for this Field. Master Users can fix this by adding lookup options to the field via the Field Card.
Text Field
The Text field will simply appear on the DET as a single line text field and is generally used to store a shorter, single line of text.
Output of this field is plain text styled by the report template.
Number Field Types
Number fields are used specifically to store numeric values only for each job in the database.
There are several different interfaces available in ValuePRO for users to enter numeric values, which are outlined below.
There are specific Field Card settings that are applied to Number field types only:
- Decimal Places - This allows the Master User to specify the number of decimal places for a specific field, if any.
- Always Show Decimals in WordLINK - This allows the Master User to specify if the decimal places for a specific field should be shown in WordLINK. Eg: a field can show decimals on screen, but the be rounded up/down when printed on a WordLINK template.
- Show Zero Values as 'Nil' in WordLINK Reports - This allows the Master User to specify if a specific field to display a the text "Nil" on the generated WordLINK report if the numeric value is 0.
- Include in Pre-Authorisation Limit Checks - This allows the Master User to specify if a specific field should be included in the average calculation to determine the threshold pre-authorisation limit for Valuers.
Currency Field
The Currency field will simply appear on the DET as a short single line field and will only allow numeric values to be stored.
After the user has entered a numeric value and moved off the field, ValuePRO will automatically format the numeric value with the currency symbol, thousand separator and decimal places (if configured). If a non-numeric value was entered, ValuePRO will automatically revert the value back to 0.
Area (m2) Field
The Area field will appear on the DET as a short single line field and will only allow numeric values to be stored. The text m2 will appear next to the field to indicate that the stored numeric value is in m2.
Number Field
The Number field will appear on the DET as a short single line field and will only allow numeric values to be stored. No additional formatting will be applied to the numeric value, it will be stored and displayed as it is entered.
Percentage Field
The Percentage field will appear on the DET as a short single line field and will only allow numeric values to be stored. The % symbol will appear next to the field to indicate that the stored numeric value is a percentage value.
Radio Bar Field
The Radio Bar field will appear on the DET as a set of 5 radio options with the following range:
- Low
- Low to Medium
- Medium
- Medium to High
- High
Depending on the option selected, the numeric equivalent value will be stored in the database. For example, select the option Low to Medium will record a value of 2 in the database.
Radio Bar Plus Field
The Radio Bar Plus field is an expanded version of the Radio Bar field above, however this field type is designed to be linked to a text field that will be hidden on screen unless an option value higher than the radio bar threshold has been selected.
For example, if the radio bar threshold for a specific field has been set to 3 or Medium, when a user an option of either Medium, Medium to High or High, the comment text box will appear below the radio bar to allow the user to input a comment related to the option selected.
Slide Bar Field
The Slide Bar field will appear on the DET as a coloured line and a bar to slide across it with a numeric value on it, providing users with a graphical display to enter a range value. The colour of the bar will start off as green and slowly change to red, depending on the range and threshold values setup against the field.
Depending on the location of the bar, the numeric equivalent value will be stored in the database.
Master Users are able to modify the following field settings that control the display of the field type:
- Range - This allows the Master User to control the starting range value and the ending range value. EG: 1 to 100.
- Threshold - This allows the Master User to control the threshold value, or the value in the range that is considered the beginning of the negative value. EG: 75.
- Slider Step - This allows the Master User to control the number of steps the user can drag the slider bar across the range. EG: 1 step would allow the user to drag to any number between the ranges, 5 steps would allow the user to drag to any number between the ranges in intervals of 5 (5, 10, 15, etc).
Date Time Field Types
Date Time fields are used specifically to store either date or date and time values only for each job in the database.
There are several different interfaces available in ValuePRO for users to enter date time values, which are outlined below.
There are specific Field Card settings that are applied to Date Time field types only:
- WordLINK Display - This allows the Master User to specify how they want the date to print out on the WordLINK report template. EG: The DET will display a date and time value on screen, but the report will be generated with just the date value component.
Date Field
The Date field will appear on the DET as a short single line field and will only allow date values to be stored. If a user enters text that is not in the date format of dd/mm/yyyy and moves off the field, ValuePRO will immediately display an alert warning (2) that says:
Error: Date field is not valid, please enter date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
The calendar icon button (1) is available beside the date field to allow the user to access the calendar pick list and the option to select select a date to populate the field, as opposed to entering it into the field. We recommend using the calendar pick list as this greatly reduces the number of incorrectly entered date values in the database.
Date Time Field
The Date Time field is an expanded version of the Date field type mentioned above. It shows the short single line field (1) that will only accept text entered in the date format of dd/mm/yyyy, a second small drop down list for selecting the hour value (2) and a third small drop down for selecting the minute value (3) at 15 minute intervals.
Similar to the Date field type, if the user enters text that is not in the date format of dd/mm/yyyy and moves off the field, ValuePRO will immediately display an alert warning that says:
Error: Date field is not valid, please enter date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
The calendar icon button is also available beside the date field to allow the user to access the calendar pick list and the option to select select a date to populate the field, as opposed to entering it into the field. We recommend using the calendar pick list as this greatly reduces the number of incorrectly entered date values in the database.
Exact Date Time Field
The Date Time field is an expanded version of the Date field type mentioned above. It shows the short single line field (1) that will only accept text entered in the date format of dd/mm/yyyy, a second small drop down list for selecting the hour value (2) and a third small single line field for entering the exact minute value (3).
Similar to the Date field type, if the user enters text that is not in the date format of dd/mm/yyyy and moves off the field, ValuePRO will immediately display an alert warning that says:
Error: Date field is not valid, please enter date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
The calendar icon button is also available beside the date field to allow the user to access the calendar pick list and the option to select select a date to populate the field, as opposed to entering it into the field. We recommend using the calendar pick list as this greatly reduces the number of incorrectly entered date values in the database.
Boolean (Yes/No) Field Types
Boolean fields are used specifically to store true or false values, or yes or no values, in the database.
There are different interfaces available in ValuePRO for users to enter boolean values, which are outlined below.
Check Box Field
The Checkbox field provides the user with the checkbox input where the user can either leave the box un-ticked to indicate a false/no value or tick the box to indicate a true/yes value.
Note that if a checkbox is left un-ticked on a job card, that indicates to the system a false/no value when you perform a save.
Conditional Question Field
The Conditional Question field is designed to be linked to a text field that will be hidden on screen unless the user selects a yes or no value which matches the value specified against the field that has been set to trigger the display of the comment field.
For example, field (1) below has a value of yes set up as the value to trigger the comment field, so when the user selects the option yes, the comment field appears, if the user selects no, the comment field is hidden.
Field (2) below has a value of no setup as the value to trigger the comment field, so when the user selects the option no, the comment field appears, if the user selects yes, the comment field is hidden.
Tip: If you want to add new items to your RT, you have to make changes to the DET for those sections to add in the correct merge fields in the RT. Choosing which field type to use can be hard, unless you are familiar with the below.
Tip: Never delete a field entirely. This can cause errors in your system if that field is needed elsewhere. Rather just remove the field from the DET with the arrow button.