All default ValuePRO Data Entry Templates are setup with a Documents tab as the last tab on a job card (but can be in any order). Make sure you add this tab to your own DET.
The Documents tab is used to upload, store and view any documents, files or emails sent from the application that are related to the job. The Documents tab supports the upload of multiple document formats, including:
- Microsoft Word files (.DOC & .DOCX) - Fully Supported
- Microsoft Excel files (.XLS & .XLSX) - Fully Supported
- Microsoft Powerpoint/Publisher - Partially Supported
- PDF Files - Fully Supported
- Image Files (.TIFF) - Fully Supported (It is recommended that other image files be uploaded to the Photos tab instead)
- Video/Audio Files (.AIFF, .MOV, .WMV, .WMA, .MP3, .MP4, .AVI) - Fully Supported
- ZIP files - Fully Supported
- HTML files - Fully Supported
- All Others (.EXE, .BAT, .SCR, .DLL, etc...) - Not Supported
Any document formats that are fully supported will be uploaded to the Documents tab in the original format and will also have the full document converted to PDF for easy viewing within the browser and a thumbnail image of each page generated for previewing. The document will have both the PDF and original document format available for download.
Any document formats that are partially supported will be uploaded to the Documents tab in the original format only, however no PDF or thumbnail images will be generated for the file. In order to view this file, it will need to be downloaded and opened on the user's computer.
Any document formats that are not supported will not be allowed to be uploaded into ValuePRO. These include documents and files that contain executable code that could run on your computer.
Document Tab Page Filters
The Documents tab has 3 page filters that control what documents are included in the list, what order they appear and how they appear. These filters are:
1. Document Type filter
By default, the Document Type filter is set to All Documents to show all the documents attached to the job, however it can be used to only show documents of a certain type. This is especially useful if there are a lot of documents attached to a job. The filter options available are:
- All Documents - Selecting this option shows all documents in the list.
- All Faxes - Selecting this option only shows fax documents that are diverted into the ValuePRO Fax Center and added to the job.
- All E-Mails - Selecting this option only shows emailed documents are were diverted into the ValuePRO Email Center and added to the job.
- All XML Packets - Selecting this option only shows XML packets that are sent or received by LIXI partner integrations (eg: Valex or VMS).
- All Scanned Documents - Selecting this option only shows documents that are scanned directly into ValuePRO using the Scan-To-ValuePRO feature.
- Manually Added Documents - Selecting this option only shows documents that are uploaded into the job using the Add Document button or emailed into the job.
- All Inbound Correspondence - Selecting this option shows a combination of faxes, emails and XML packet documents that have been sent into ValuePRO and that are attached to the job.
- All Outbound Correspondence - Selecting this option shows a combination of faxes, emails and XML packet documents that have been sent out from ValuePRO and that are attached to the job.
- Deleted Documents - This option is only available to users with Admin or Master User account status. When a document is deleted from the job, it is simply moved to the recycle bin. Admin and Master Users can use this filter to see any documents that were moved to the recycle bin and either restore them or permanently delete them.
2. Sort By filter
By default, this filter is set to order the documents list on the page by Date Uploaded (when the document was uploaded into the system), however users can also select to order the documents by Uploaded By (the user who uploaded the document) or by Document Title (the title of the document that was entered by the user when uploading the document).
Documents can be sorted in either ascending or descending order using the Sort By Direction filter, which is located next to the Sort By filter.
3. Page View filter
The Page View filter defaults to the List view, which shows the documents in a list and allows the user to preview the document by hovering their mouse over the document. Clicking on a document in the list will open the Document Viewer window to view the entire document.
Selecting the Preview Panel option will change the view of the Documents tab where the documents are listed down the left-hand side of the window with a larger window in the right-hand side to preview the entire document without having to open the Document Viewer window.
For more information on the Document tab views, see the Document Tab Views section.
Document Tab Views
1. List View
The List view shows the documents attached to the job in a list on the tab and allows the user to view preview thumbnails of any fully supported document by hovering the mouse over the document in the list.
This is the default view when the Documents tab is loaded, however you can use the Default Document Display Mode setting to set the Preview Panel View as the default view for the Document tab.
Documents can be viewed in full by clicking on the document in the list to view it in the Document Viewer window. If the document is a fully supported document type, the Document Viewer window will show the PDF version of the document within the browser window. If the document is only partially supported, the original file will begin to download to allow the file to be viewed on the computer.
If the Show Related Sales Documents on Job Documents Tab setting is turned on, ValuePRO will show documents for sales that are attached as sales evidence to the job.
ValuePRO will also show documents for additional occupancies, lease evidence and subject leases that are attached to the job.
If a folder has been added to the job, the name of the folder will appear at the top of the tab, just above the page filters. A link is also provided to display the documents in the folder on the main list view.
2. Preview Panel View
The Preview Panel view shows the documents attached to the job in two panel. The left-hand side panel shows a list of documents attached to the job while the right-hand side panel is used to preview the entire document without having to open the document in the Document Viewer window.
Click on a document in the left-hand side panel to display it in the preview panel on the right-hand side of the page.
The Preview Panel only shows documents that are attached to the job, it does not show documents for sales evidence, additional occupancies, lease evidence and subject leases that are attached to the job.
Buttons & Links
This section explains the functions for the buttons available on the Documents tab:
3. Modify Folder
The Modify Folder button (2) only appears if the user has clicked on and accessed a folder on the Documents tab.
Clicking on the Modify Folder button will open the Modify Folder window (2) and allow the user to:
- Change the folder name by editing the Existing Folder Name field and pressing the Save Changes button;
- Change the folder access permission by editing the checkboxes and pressing the Save Changes button;
- Delete the folder by pressing the Delete Folder button.
Add Document(s) via E-Mail
Depending on your ValuePRO settings that determine which sections are displayed, you may see one or more of these links appear in the different sections on your Documents tab down the right-hand side of the tab.
These links will contain different addresses after the text Add Document(s) via E-Mail - this is to indicate which card the document will get attached to when it is sent and processed into ValuePRO.
Clicking on one of the links will create a new email using the email software installed on your computer (eg: Microsoft Outlook). The email will be pre-filled with the email address of the secret internal email address supplied by ValuePRO. This is usually formatted as photos@[your ValuePRO company domain].com.
Note that although the email address begins with photos, when the attachments are processed, ValuePRO will determine if the file should be added to the Photos tab or the Documents tab based of the type of document.
The Subject Line of the email address will be different for each link and should not be changed as this is the information that is used by ValuePRO to determine which card the document should be attached too. See below for an explanation of the different types of links.
The Body of the email is used to specify the document title of the documents attached to the email. If there are more one documents attached to the email, the same document title is applied to all the documents that were attached in the email.
The different links available are:
- Add Document(s) for Subject Property via E-Mail - Clicking on this link will generate an email with the Subject Line: [Job Number value]. This tells ValuePRO that the documents should be attached to the Documents tab of the job card;
- Add Document(s) via E-Mail for: [Occupancy Name] - Clicking on this link will generate an email with the Subject Line: OccupancyID:[Occupancy ID value]. This tells ValuePRO that the documents should be attached to the Documents tab of that specific Occupancy card;
- Add Document(s) via E-Mail for: [Sales Evidence Address] - Clicking on this link will generate an email with the Subject Line: SaleID:[Sale ID value]. This tells ValuePRO that the documents should be attached to the Documents tab of that specific Sales card;
- Add Document(s) via E-Mail for: [Lease Evidence Address] - Clicking on this link will generate an email with the Subject Line: LeaseID:[Lease ID value]. This tells ValuePRO that the documents should be attached to the Documents tab of that specific Lease Evidence card;
- Add Document(s) via E-Mail for: [Subject Lease Address] - Clicking on this link will generate an email with the Subject Line: LeaseID:[Lease ID value]. This tells ValuePRO that the documents should be attached to the Documents tab of that specific Subject Lease card;
Document Viewer
Documents can be viewed in full in the Document Viewer window. If the document is a fully supported document type, the Document Viewer window will show the PDF version of the document within the browser window. If the document is only partially supported, the original file will begin to download to allow the file to be viewed on the computer.
When the Document Viewer window opens, the following fields, links and buttons are available:
1. Title Field
This allows a title to be entered for the document that describes it's contents. If no title is entered when the document is uploaded, the default title is set to the file name. The title change is saved by pressing the Save Changes button (3).
2. Revision Select List
The Revision select list is only visible when viewing a document that has been uploaded as a substitute report, invoice, quotation or receipt.
The substitute document feature allows multiple versions of the same document to be uploaded against the job. This select list allows the user to view the different versions that have been uploaded.
3. Show Select List
The Show select list determines the view of the Document Viewer window. The Show select list is set to PDF by default to display the PDF document to the user.
Other options include the native file format (eg: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel) where the document will begin downloading to your computer and an Attributes options, which displays additional document attributes for editing. The attributes available are:
- Comments - This allows the user to enter a more detailed descriptive comment regarding the contents of the document and their relation to the job.
- Allow Client Access - Ticking this checkbox will make this particular document visible in the Client Portal where the client will have access to track the progress of the job and any documents made available to them.
- Document Uploaded by - This shows the name of the user that uploaded the document into the job. This field is not editable.
- Document Uploaded on - This shows the date and time that the document was uploaded into the job. This field is not editable.
- Pages - This shows the number of pages of the document that was uploaded. This field is not editable and the value is only available for documents that are fully supported.
Any changes that are made to the attributes can be saved by pressing the Save Changes button.
4. Save Changes Button
Clicking on the Save Changes button will save any changes made to the Title field and, if the Attributes view is visible, the Comments field and the Allow Client Access checkbox.
5. Promote to Latest Version Button
The Promote to Latest Version button is only visible when viewing a document that has been uploaded as a substitute report, invoice, quotation or receipt and if the version is not the latest version of the substitute.
Clicking on this button will make the currently selected version the latest version of the substitute document.
6. Download Native File Format Link
The Download Native File Format link is available to allow users to download the originally uploaded file to their computer.
Users can either click on the link to have the browser begin the download to a predestined folder on the computer or right click on the link, then select the Save Target As option from the browser menu. This will pop up a Save As dialog to allow the user to choose the folder to save the file.
7. Convert To Other Formats Button
The Convert To Other Formats button is only visible when viewing any documents (in particular Microsoft Word or Excel) other than TIFF, Text or PDF files.
Clicking on the button will show a selection of formats available for selection to convert the existing document to. Click on a format to begin the conversion process. Once the conversion is completed, the web browser will prompt you to download and save the file to your computer.
8. Delete Button
Clicking on the Delete button (1) will prompt the user with the message: Are you sure you want to move this Document to the Recycle Bin? This action can only be undone by a Master User.
To confirm the deletion of the document, click on the OK button (2) otherwise click the Cancel button (3) to stop the deletion process.
Once a document has been deleted, it will no longer appear in the list of documents on the Documents tab. Deleted documents will only be visible when the Deleted Documents option is selected in the Document Type filter on the Documents tab. For more information regarding this option, see the Document Tab Page Filters section.
9. Un-Delete Button
The Un-Delete button is only visible to user accounts with Master User account status and when viewing a document that has been deleted and has been opened while in the Deleted Documents list view.
Clicking on this button will restore the document from the recycle bin and make it available to all users. A note will be added to the job history to indicate the date, time and user that performed the document restoration.
10. Permanently Delete Button
The Permanently Delete button is only visible to user accounts with Master User account status and when viewing a document that has been deleted and has been opened while in the Deleted Documents list view.
Clicking on this button will permanently delete the document from the ValuePRO servers and a note will be added to the job history to indicate the date, time and user that performed the permanent deletion.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once a document has been permanently deleted, the file is no longer available on the ValuePRO server. Please keep in mind that recovering a permanently deleted document would require ValuePRO to obtain the document from a server backup which would incur an additional service fee.
11. Close Button
Clicking on the Close button will close the Document Viewer window.