The QA Summary tab provides the user with a graphical summary snap shot of the Market Value values by square metre for the subject property and valuations for other similar properties in the same suburb.
This article covers
The data and calculated values that appears on the view is grouped together in several different sections, in particular:
1. Slider View Section
The Slider View Section displays a graphical representation of the subject property value breakdown per square metre compared to the breakdown for a sample group of similar valuations in the same suburb within the last 6 months.
The red arrows (1) indicate the subject property value whereas the gray scale (2) and indicates the range of values based on the data from similar valuations.
Each graph obtains data from the following fields:
- Land ($/sqm) - Land Value - Existing (ELandValue) field
- Improvements ($/sqm) - Improvements - Existing (EMainBuilding) field
- Site Area (sqm) - Site Area (SiteArea) field
- Main Building Area (sqm) - Living Areas (LivingAreas) field + Outdoor Area (OutdoorAreas) field + Car Areas (CarAreas) field
2. Sample Details Section
The first set of Sample Details (1) appears on the first row immediately below the Slider View section and shows:
- Time Period - This indicates the date range of the sample data. Any valuations with a Valuation Date (ValuationDate) date value within that range is included.
- Sample Size - This indicates the number of valuations within the same suburb, property type and data range used to obtain the sample data.
The second set of Sample Details (2) appears in the fourth column of the row below and shows:
- Main Building Types (Sample) - This shows a distinct list of all the values in the Report Type (PropertyType) field for all the valuations in the sample data, along with the number of valuations that contain that value in brackets.
- Service Types (Sample) - This shows a distinct list of all the values in the Data Entry Template (DataEntryTemplateID) field for all the valuations in the sample data, along with the number of valuations that contain that value in brackets.
3. Market Value Section
The Market Value section displays the average values from a sample group of similar valuations in the same suburb within the last 6 months, calculated with data obtained from the Market Value - Existing (EMarketValue) field.
Each row is shows the following:
- Market Value (MIN) - Shows the lowest value from the sample group of valuations.
- Market Value (MAX) - Shows the highest value from the sample group of valuations.
- Market Value (Median) - Shows the median value from the sample group of valuations.
- Market Value (Subject) - Shows the Market Value for the subject property.
4. Land Value Section
The Land Value section displays the average values from a sample group of similar valuations in the same suburb within the last 6 months, calculated with data obtained from the Land Value - Existing (ELandValue) field.
Each row is shows the following:
- Land Value (MIN) - Shows the lowest value from the sample group of valuations.
- Land Value (MAX) - Shows the highest value from the sample group of valuations.
- Land Value (Median) - Shows the median value from the sample group of valuations.
- Land Value (Subject) - Shows the Land Value for the subject property.
5. Main Building Section
The Main Building section displays the average values from a sample group of similar valuations in the same suburb within the last 6 months, calculated with data obtained from the Improvements - Existing (EMainBuilding) field.
Each row is shows the following:
- Main Building (MIN) - Shows the lowest value from the sample group of valuations.
- Main Building (MAX) - Shows the highest value from the sample group of valuations.
- Main Building (Median) - Shows the median value from the sample group of valuations.
- Main Building (Subject) - Shows the Improvements - Existing value for the subject property.
6. Property Information Section
The Property Information section displays the following information about the subject property:
- Main Building Types (Subject) - This shows the Report Type (PropertyType) value for the subject property.
- Service Types (Subject) - This shows the Data Entry Template (DataEntryTemplateID) value for the subject property.
7. Site Area Section
The Site Area section displays the average values from a sample group of similar valuations in the same suburb within the last 6 months, calculated with data obtained from the Site Area (SiteArea) field.
Each row is shows the following:
- Site Area (sqm) (MIN) - Shows the lowest value from the sample group of valuations.
- Site Area (sqm) (MAX) - Shows the highest value from the sample group of valuations.
- Site Area (sqm) (Median) - Shows the median value from the sample group of valuations.
- Site Area (sqm) (Subject) - Shows the Site Area value for the subject property.
8. Main Building Area Section
The Main Building Area section displays the average values from a sample group of similar valuations in the same suburb within the last 6 months, calculated with data obtained from the Living Areas (LivingAreas), Outdoor Area (OutdoorAreas) and Car Areas (CarAreas) fields.
Each row is shows the following:
- Main Building Area (sqm) (MIN) - Shows the lowest value from the sample group of valuations.
- Main Building Area (sqm) (MAX) - Shows the highest value from the sample group of valuations.
- Main Building Area (sqm) (Median) - Shows the median value from the sample group of valuations.
- Main Building Area (sqm) (Subject) - Shows the total area calculated from the Living Areas, Outdoor Area and Car Areas field values for the subject property.
Snap Shot View
The Snap Shot view displays all the sections as mentioned above, however this view will display a different set of data that was captured at a specific date and time using the Snap Shot button (4) compared to the current view.
The Snap Shot view is displayed when a snap shot is selected from the All Snap Shots select list (1). When a snap shot is displayed, the user will be presented with the Snap Shots Title field (2) with the default snap shot title being the date and time of the snap shot however the user has the option to change the default snap shot title.
The Save Changes and Delete buttons (3) will also become visible to the user.
This section explains the functions for the buttons available on the Summary tab: