The Inspection Appointment tab allows the user to change the Valuer allocated to the job, add a inspection date for the property or delay the job.
This article covers:
Valuer Assigned Section
The Valuer Assigned section allows the user to select a Valuer to allocate to the job, view the Valuer allocated to the job or reallocate the job to a new Valuer.
Depending on the setup of the Licensed Valuer (ValuerID) field, this section can appear in one of two ways:
- Valuer List - This is shown if the Licensed Valuer (ValuerID) field is not setup as an exception field.
- Valuer Matrix - This is shown if the Licensed Valuer (ValuerID) field is setup as an exception field.
Valuer List
If the Licensed Valuer (ValuerID) field is not setup as an exception field, the Valuer Assigned section will show a select list of all Valuers in ValuePRO.
If the Allow Selection of Inactive Valuers setting is turned on, any Valuer who has the Enabled Assignment of Jobs to this Valuer checkbox un-ticked on their Valuer card will appear in the list.
Valuer Matrix
If the Licensed Valuer (ValuerID) field is setup as an exception field, the Valuer Assigned section will show a grayed out field with the name of the selected Valuer, if any, and a Change button.
Clicking on the Change button will pop up the Change Valuer window that will show the Valuer Matrix with two columns.
Column 1 will show the following:
- Job Number of the job;
- Property Address of the job;
- Assigned Office of the job;
- Department (or Company) select list displaying the value selected on the Job card. Users will be able to edit this information on this screen.
- Property Type select list displaying the value selected on the Job card. Users will be able to edit this information on this screen.
- Site Area field displaying the value entered on the Job card, along with the Site Area Label information. Users will be able to edit this information on this screen.
- Customer's EMV field displaying the value entered on the Job card. Users will be able to edit this information on this screen.
- Contract Price displaying the value entered on the Job card. Users will be able to edit this information on this screen.
Any changes made to any of the above fields can be saved by pressing the Update Job Fields button (1). These changes will then be reflected in the Job card when the user next opens the Job card.
Column 2 of the Change Valuer window provides the user with a list of all Valuers in ValuePRO with additional information to assist with determining the best Valuer to allocate the Job to. If the Allow Selection of Inactive Valuers setting is turned on, any Valuer who has the Enabled Assignment of Jobs to this Valuer checkbox un-ticked on their Valuer card will appear in the list.
Also, if the Autoselect Least Busy Valuer in Coverage Area setting is turned on, ValuePRO will check for the least busy Valuer based on workload and will automatically pre-select the radio button next to the Valuer. Users can either choose to accept the selection or select a new Valuer to allocate to the Job.
There are 2 columns in this section. The first column displays the name of the Valuer, grouped together by Office, while the second column displays a percentage of the Total Workload of the Valuer.
Beside each Valuer's name is:
- A radio button to select a Valuer to allocate to the Job;
- A Job compatibility indicator that either shows a green tick to indicate that the Valuer is suitable for the Job or a red cross to indicate that they are not suitable based on the Valuers matrix settings (see Valuer Matrix Settings). If an incompatible Valuer is selected, a Valuer Selection Reason checkbox will appear at the bottom of the column and require the user to enter a reason for selecting an incompatible Valuer. This reason will be entered into the Job history;
- If the Add New Job Valuer Location setting is turned on and Valuers are using ValuePRO Tablet or the iPad application with GPS functionality turned on while performing inspections, gray text will appear after the Valuers name to indicate their distance away from the subject property based on their last recorded location, along with how long ago that location was recorded and;
- The Workload column shows the number of current valuations in ValuePRO that are assigned to the user and, in brackets, the percentage of the current workload that it represents.
Once a Valuer has been selected, the user can click the Update both Licensed and Inspecting Valuer button to save the change of Valuer.
Property Address Section
The Property Address section displays the full address of the Job for easy reference. This is particularly useful if the Inspection tab is triggered from a page other than the Job card.
Instructing Client Section
The Instructing Client section displays the Client name, Branch and Contact of the Client associated with the Job, along with the telephone number and email of the Client associated with the Job for easy reference. This is particularly useful if the Inspection tab is triggered from a page other than the Job card.
Access Contact Details Section
The Access Contact Details section displays the Contact field along with any information entered into the Job card for easy reference. The user has the option to change the information and press the Save Changes button to update the Job information. These changes will then be reflected in the Job card when the user next opens the Job card.
This is particularly useful if the Inspection tab is triggered from a page other than the Job card.
Inspection Status Section
The Inspection Status section will display a different set of fields/checkboxes depending on the information and current state of the Job.
No Inspection Setup View
If no inspection has been setup for the job, the Inspection Status section will show the following:
- Original Inspection: Not yet arranged - This indicates that no inspection has been setup yet.
- Arrangements underway - The user can use this to indicate that although no inspection has been setup yet, they have begun the process of contacting the user to arrange an inspection.
- Pre-Valuation: Awaiting additional documents - This field will only appear for Valex pre-valuation jobs that are received via the Valex integration. If the Job is in pre-valuation state in Valex, the checkbox will be ticked. Once an update is received from to remove the Job from pre-valuation state, this field will no longer appear. This checkbox allows users to manually remove the pre-valuation state from the Job in ValuePRO only, however ValuePRO strongly recommends waiting for the update from Valex to automatically remove the pre-valuation state from the Job.
Inspection Setup View
If an inspection has been setup for the job, the Inspection Status section will show the following:
- Inspection Arranged: InspectionDate field value - This indicates the date and time of the inspection that has been setup.
Delay Inspection Setup View
If an inspection had been setup for the job but a delay was requested with a new inspection setup, the Inspection Status section will show the following:
- Original Inspection: InspectionDate field value - This indicates the date and time of the initial inspection that had been setup.
- Delay Advised: DelayAdvised field value - This indicates the date and time the user received and recorded the delay in ValuePRO.
- New Inspection: NowDue field value - This indicates the date and time of the new inspection that has been setup.
Delay Setup View
If no inspection has been setup for the job but a delay was requested (for example, if the user could not get in contact with the Client for access, etc), the Inspection Status section will show the following:
- Delay Advised: DelayAdvised field value - This indicates the date and time the user recorded the delay in ValuePRO.
- New Inspection: Not yet arranged - This indicates that no inspection has been setup yet.
- Arrangements underway - The user can use this to indicate that although no inspection has been setup yet, they have begun the process of contacting the user to arrange an inspection.
Inspection Date & Time Section
The Inspection Date & Time section will also display a different set of fields depending on the current state of the Job. This is the section where the user should enter any inspection appointment details and/or delays.
New Inspection View
If no inspection has been setup for the job or an inspection date and time is present without a delay, the Inspection Date & Time section will show the following fields:
- Date - Provides the user with a field to enter the date portion of the InspectionDate field. A calendar picker is also available to pick a date.
- Time - Provides the user with 2 select lists to enter the time portion of the InspectionDate field. The first select list provides a list of hours and the second select list provides a list of minutes in 15 minute intervals.
- Duration - Provides the user with a select list of time intervals for the InspectionDuration field where users can select the estimated duration of the inspection.
- With - Provides the user with a field to enter a value into the InspectionBookedWith field. This allows the user to enter the name of the person the inspection was booked with, in case it is different from the contact for access.
- Job Due - Shows the user the DateDue field value in a grayed out field.
Any changes made to these fields can be saved by pressing the Save Changes button.
Delay View
If the user needs to enter a delay for the job or delay an existing inspection, they can press the Delay button next to the Save Changes button and the Inspection Date & Time section will show the following fields:
- Date - Provides the user with a field to enter the date portion of the InspectionDate field. A calendar picker is also available to pick a date.
- Time - Provides the user with 2 select lists to enter the time portion of the InspectionDate field. The first select list provides a list of hours and the second select list provides a list of minutes in 15 minute intervals.
- Duration - Provides the user with a select list of time intervals for the InspectionDuration field where users can select the estimated duration of the inspection.
- With - Provides the user with a field to enter a value into the InspectionBookedWith field. This allows the user to enter the name of the person the inspection was booked with, in case it is different from the contact for access.
- Job Due - Shows the user the DateDue field value in a grayed out field.
- Now Due - Provides the user with a field to enter the date portion of the NowDue field and 2 select lists below to enter the time portion of the NowDue field. A calendar picker is available to pick a date for the date field while the first select list provides a list of hours and the second select list provides a list of minutes in 15 minute intervals.
- Description - Provides the user with a large text field to enter a description of the delay into the DelayDescription field.
Any changes made to these fields can be saved by pressing the Save Changes button.
Valex or VMS Delay View
If the user needs to enter a delay for a Valex or VMS job or delay an existing inspection, they can press the Delay button next to the Save Changes button and the Inspection Date & Time section will show a slightly different set of fields from the Delay View above:
- Date - Provides the user with a field to enter the date portion of the InspectionDate field. A calendar picker is also available to pick a date.
- Time - Provides the user with 2 select lists to enter the time portion of the InspectionDate field. The first select list provides a list of hours and the second select list provides a list of minutes in 15 minute intervals.
- Duration - Provides the user with a select list of time intervals for the InspectionDuration field where users can select the estimated duration of the inspection.
- With - Provides the user with a field to enter a value into the InspectionBookedWith field. This allows the user to enter the name of the person the inspection was booked with, in case it is different from the contact for access.
- Job Due - Shows the user the DateDue field value in a grayed out field.
- Now Due - Provides the user with a field to enter the date portion of the NowDue field and 2 select lists below to enter the time portion of the NowDue field. A calendar picker is available to pick a date for the date field while the first select list provides a list of hours and the second select list provides a list of minutes in 15 minute intervals.
- Responsible - This field is visible only if the Show Delay Responsibility on Inspection Screen setting is turned on and if the job was received via the VMS or Valex integration. Provides the user with 2 radio options: Us or Requestor. The user can choose an option to indicate if the valuation firm is responsible for the delay or if the requestor is responsible for the delay.
- Reason - This field is visible only if the Show Delay Responsibility on Inspection Screen setting is turned on, the Responsible field is set to the Requestor option and the job was received via the VMS or Valex integration. Provides the user with a select list of delay reasons that are appropriate to either Valex or VMS.
- Escalated Service Type - This field is visible only if the Show Delay Responsibility on Inspection Screen setting is turned on, the Responsible field is set to the Requestor option and the job was received via the Valex integration. Provides the user with a select list of alternate service types if the Valuer determines that the service type for a job is not suitable for the subject property.
- Description - Provides the user with a large text field to enter a description of the delay into the DelayDescription field.
Any changes made to these fields can be saved by pressing the Save Changes button.
Additional Information for Job Section
The Additional Information for Job section is only visible if the Show Extended Inspection Fields setting is turned on.
It provides the user with a quick reference for important Job information that may come in useful when attempting to book an inspection, in particular if the Inspection tab was triggered from a page other than the Job card.
This section displays the following information from the following fields on the Job card:
- Purchase Price;
- Customer's EMV;
- Site Area;
- Property Type;
- Client Type;
- Client Red Flag (This field is only displayed if the user is an Admin user or if the user is a Valuer and the Allow Valuers to see Client Red Flags setting is turned on);
- Special Instructions (This field is only displayed if the Special Instructions field contains a value).
This section explains the functions for the buttons available on the Inspection window: