All default ValuePRO Data Entry Templates are setup with a Photos tab as the last tab on a job card.
The Photos tab is used to upload, store and view any photos of the property that are related to the job. The Photos tab supports the upload of JPEG, PNG, BMP or GIF file types only.
Any photos uploaded into ValuePRO will be automatically re-sized and appropriately scaled to ensure the photo has a maximum width of 450px by default. The 450px default value is determined by the value in the Maximum Property Photo Width setting. Each photo also has a thumbnail image generated for previewing.
NOTE: Photos are re-sized to a smaller size to reduce storage costs and also to make it quicker to view the photos online and to reduce the time it takes to render a report with photos included.
Tip: To have your photo show in the report (or not), you have to toggle the "Show In Report" check box in Standard Edition on your photos tab, located on the photo box. This also appliesfor any photo like sales data, front page photo and maps.
Reorder Photos
Any photos uploaded into ValuePRO can be dragged and dropped into any order required. To do this, click on a photo with the mouse and drag it into position, then release the mouse click to keep it in place.
The order of the photos that appear on the Photos tab is used when generating a report with photos in it.
For example, if you have photos in the order of Photo2, Photo1 and Photo3 on the Photos tab, the report will also print with the photo order of Photo2, Photo1 and Photo3.
Buttons & Links
This section explains the functions for the buttons available on the Photos tab:
3. Add Photo(s) via E-Mail For Links
You may see one or more of these links appear in the different sections on your Photos tab down the left-hand side of the tab. These links will contain different property addresses or text after the Add Photo(s) via E-Mail - this is to indicate which card the photo will get attached to when it is sent and processed into ValuePRO.
Clicking on one of these links will create a new email using the email software installed on your computer (eg: Microsoft Outlook). The email will be pre-filled with the email address of the secret internal email address supplied by ValuePRO. This is usually formatted as photos@[your ValuePRO company domain].com.
Note that although the email address begins with photos, when the attachments are processed, ValuePRO will determine if the file should be added to the Photos tab or the Documents tab based on the type of document. To have the photos appear on the Photos tab, only attach JPEG, PNG, BMP or GIF files.
The Subject Line of the email address will be different for each link and should not be changed as this is the information that is used by ValuePRO to determine which card the document should be attached to. See below for an explanation of the different types of links.
The Body of the email is used to specify the photo title of the photos attached to the email. If there are more than one photos attached to the email, the same photo title is applied to all the photos that were attached in the email. The photo titles can be edited after being processed.
The different links are:
- Add Photo(s) via E-Mail - Clicking on this link will generate an email with the Subject Line: [Job Number value]. This tells ValuePRO that the photos should be attached to the Photos tab of the job card;
- Add Photos(s) via E-Mail for: [Occupancy Name] - Clicking on this link will generate an email with the Subject Line: OccupancyID:[Occupancy ID value]. This tells ValuePRO that the photos should be attached to the Photos tab of that specific Occupancy card;
- Add Photos(s) via E-Mail for: [Sales Evidence Address] - Clicking on this link will generate an email with the Subject Line: SaleID:[Sale ID value]. This tells ValuePRO that the photos should be attached to the Photos tab of that specific Sales card;
- Add Photos(s) via E-Mail for: [Subject Lease Address] - Clicking on this link will generate an email with the Subject Line: LeaseID:[Lease ID value]. This tells ValuePRO that the photos should be attached to the Photos tab of that specific Subject Lease card.
4. Show in Report checkbox
Depending on the state of this checkbox, the photo will be included in the following data sources and allowed to appear in generated reports:
- FrontPagePhotos - when ticked and used in conjunction with the ticked Front Page checkbox;
- BackPagePhotos - when ticked and used in conjunction with the un-ticked Front Page checkbox;
- HiddenPhotos - when un-ticked and used in conjunction with the un-ticked Front Page checkbox;
- PhotoGrid_FrontPagePhotos - similar to the FrontPagePhotos data source above, but used to display photos in a grid format;
- PhotoGrid_BackPagePhotos - similar to the BackPagePhotos data source above, but used to display photos in a grid format;
- PhotoGrid_HiddenPhotos - similar to the HiddenPhotos data source above, but used to display photos in a grid format;
5. Front Page checkbox
Depending on the state of this checkbox, the photo will be included in the following data sources and allowed to appear in generated reports:
- FrontPagePhotos - when ticked and used in conjunction with the ticked Show in Report checkbox;
- BackPagePhotos - when un-ticked and used in conjunction with the ticked Show in Report checkbox;
- HiddenPhotos - when un-ticked and used in conjunction with the un-ticked Show in Report checkbox;
- PhotoGrid_FrontPagePhotos - similar to the FrontPagePhotos data source above, but used to display photos in a grid format;
- PhotoGrid_BackPagePhotos - similar to the BackPagePhotos data source above, but used to display photos in a grid format;
- PhotoGrid_HiddenPhotos - similar to the HiddenPhotos data source above, but used to display photos in a grid format;
6. Show in Appendix checkbox
Depending on the state of this checkbox, the photo will be included in the following data sources and allowed to appear in generated reports:
- AppendixPhotos - when ticked;
- PhotoGrid_AppendixPhotos - when ticked but used to display photos in a grid format.
Photo Viewer
Photos can be viewed in full in the Photo Viewer window. When the Photo Viewer window opens, the following fields, checkboxes and buttons are available:
1. Title Field
This allows a title to be entered or edited for the photo. The title change is saved by pressing the Save Changes button (3).
3. Show on Report Checkbox
Ticking and un-ticking this checkbox performs the same functionality as the Show in Report checkbox on the Photos tab.
4. Show on First Page Checkbox
Ticking and un-ticking this checkbox performs the same functionality as the Front Page checkbox on the Photos tab.
5. Description Field
This field allow the user to add a descriptive comment for the photo. This is particularly useful if the photo is describing a defect or issue with the property and you need to point out the issue for other users that may review the photos.
6. Photo Uploaded By Field
This field shows the name of the user that uploaded the photo into the job. This field is not editable.
7. Photo Uploaded On Field
This field shows the date and time that the photo was uploaded into the job. This field is not editable.
8. Photo Taken On Field
This field shows the date and time that the photo was taken, if the photo timestamp information is available. This field is not editable.
9. Save Changes Button
Clicking on the Save Changes button will save any changes made to the Title and Description fields and the Show on Report and Show on First Page checkboxes.
10. Delete Photo Button
Clicking on the Delete Photo button (1) will prompt the user with the message: Are you sure you want to permanently delete this photo? This action cannot be undone.
To confirm the deletion of the photo, click the OK button (2), otherwise click the Cancel button (3) to stop the deletion process.
If the OK button is clicked and the photo deleted, ValuePRO will add a note to the job history to indicate the date, time and user that performed the photo deletion.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once a photo has been permanently deleted, the file is no longer available on the ValuePRO server. Please keep in mind that recovering a permanently deleted photo would require ValuePRO to obtain the photo from a server backup, which would incur an additional service fee.
11. Previous & Next Buttons
The Previous and Next buttons will be visible on the Photo Viewer if the is more than one photo attached to the job. These buttons allow the user to quickly move through and view all the attached photos.
12. Close Button
Clicking on the Close button will close the Photo Viewer window.