Note: This article covers the occupancies in the ValuePRO mobile application.
By default a job has a single occupancy. If a job has multiple occupancies then it is possible to create and edit the details of each occupancy in the iOS App.
The title for occupancy being edited is displayed above the tabs for the job
To view the existing occupancies that are available for a job, tap on Manage to display the edit occupancies screen.
A popup window will be displayed listing the existing occupancies for the job.
Tapping on an Occupancy will show the Tabs for occupancy selected and set the Occupancy Button to the title for the selected Occupancy.
Here the main occupancy is being edited
Here the main occupancy is being edited
Note the different number of SubObjects which are available on the main occupancy when compared to the Occupancy3.
Tapping on "New" in the Occupancy popup will create a new occupancy.
When creating a new occupancy you may duplicate the details of the currently selected occupancy and/or duplicate all the SubObjects from the currently selected occupancy by setting the switches to duplicate the information.
To delete an occupancy bring up the Display Occupancy popup.
Ensure that the occupancy you wish to delete is selected. Tap on the delete button.
Note that the Main Occupancy cannot be deleted.