Setting up your mobile app
- Download the app from the Apple Store with your intended IOS device you will use for inspections, whether that be your iPad or iPhone. (Search for ValuePRO in the App Store)
- Follow the on screen prompts for the setup if it is your first time setup.
- On the initial screen you be prompted for the URL of your instance.
- You can find the URL from your master user.
- For instances with single sign on, you will be prompted to log in.
- For instances that do not have single sign on, you will be prompted to enter your credentials in the settings screen. Your credentials, including UserID, Password & Authorisation Key can be provided by your master user.
- Once everything is set up, do a sync from the main menu to download the your jobs to the device.
Already set up? Find Settings on the bottom left hand corner of your mobile device, in the ValuePRO application.
From the List of Jobs screen, the settings can be displayed
by tapping the Settings link at the bottom of the screen.
The settings are split into a number of groups, credentials, user interface, sketch interface, restrict Suburbs to distance, default sales filter, new sales, sync errors.
The app supports instances that use Single Sign On (SSO) and instances that use Username & Password to log on.
Single Sign On
The credentials section contains URL & Change User that control communication with ValuePRO Standard Edition.
The URL is the address of your ValuePRO Web Service, it will take the form
After entering the URL field, the user will be prompted to authenticate via a standard web page.
This web page may be customised for each instance, so may look different from the screenshot below.
Tapping "Log Out" will clear all local data.
If any has not been uploaded to ValuePRO Standard Edition an alert will be displayed prompting the user to sync now before the data is cleared.
After logging out, app will display the URL entry screen and act as though the app has just been installed.
User Name & Password
The credentials section contains information about the user and settings that control communication with the "Standard Edition".
The UserID & Password should be the same that are used on the “Standard Edition” for each user.
The friendly field name can be any value - usually something like "John's iPhone" or "Office tablet 1".
The License Key is supplied by ValuePRO and allocated by the Administrative (Master) user for your system. See the "Your ValuePRO license -> Mobile Licenses" in standard edition.
The URL is the address of your ValuePRO Web Service, it will have the look of
The email address is mandatory.
You can leave most settings on default and try connecting your app. If you have jobs assigned to you with the correct status, they will sync to your app.
The RebuildDB button will clear all data in the ValuePRO app and should only be used if the user advised to do so by ValuePRO support.
Tapping "Log Out" will clear all local data.
If any has not been uploaded to ValuePRO Standard Edition an alert will be displayed prompting the user to sync now before the data is cleared.
After logging out, app will display the URL entry screen and act as though the app has just been installed.
Bandwidth Rules
The bandwidth rules determine how much data is sent between the “Standard Edition” and the device when the device is synchronised.
The Bandwidth Rules are split into a number of sections, Job & Data Settings, Photo Settings, Sales Photos, Document Settings.
The job and sale data should be set to Always to ensure that Jobs & Sales are downloaded to the iPad.
The Max Jobs, Max Sales, Max Leases & Max Scenario settings control the maximum number of Jobs/Sales/Leases/Scenarios that are downloaded to the iPad.
Photo Compression controls the fidelity of the Photos that are uploaded to the “Standard Edition from the device.
GeoCode Interval should be left as “OFF” unless the ValuePRO Standard Edition is setup to receive information about the location of the device when the app is being used.
Max New Photos controls the Maximum number of Sales Photos that the Standard Edition will send to the device during a single synchronisation.
The Secure communication setting should be left as "ON". This should only be set to "OFF" if ValuePRO Support request this for debugging purposes.
The Photos / Sales / Leases / Scenarios settings control whether Photos for the device Jobs / Sales / Lease / Scenarios are Downloaded from and Uploaded to ValuePRO Standard Edition.
The On Demand setting for Sales & Leases allows users to download photos whilst in the field even if the photos for those sales were not synced to the device when it was last synced.
The documents downloaded to the device can be controlled by the setting below.
User Interface
The User interface section controls a number of settings that relate to way the device responds to User actions.
Confirm SO Deletion, if set to “ON” will display a dialog confirming that a subObject should be deleted.
Notify SO Addition, if set to “ON” will display a dialog box confirming that a subObject has been created.
Auto SO Number, if set to on Controls whether when a subObject is created it is automatically numbered.
Confirm Sale Deletion, if set to “ON” will display a dialog confirming that a Sale should be deleted.
Get Full Size Photos, if set to “OFF” will instruct the “Standard Edition” to only send thumbnail images to the device during a synchronisation.
Hide Sales/Lease photos in photo tab, if set to ON then photos for Sales & Leases will initially be collapsed when displaying the Photos tab.
Sales/Lease photos collapsed
Sales/Lease photos not collapsed
Auto Advance, controls whether after selecting a value for a field of some types, such as Single Select fields, the device should automatically move to the next field in the tab being edited.
Use Apple Maps, indicates that by default the app will use Apple maps for any maps displayed in the app.
Tab Style indicates the style of the tabs displayed in the Tab section. The 2 valuers are "Icon view" which displays the list of tabs for a job as icons and "Table view" which displays the list of tabs for a job as a table.
Icon view
Table view
Icon layout size, this setting controls the size of Icons when the tabs are displayed as Icons.
Video Recording Quality, controls the fidelity of any video recorded by the video recorder (in the ValuePRO App only).
Audio Recording Quality, controls the fidelity of any audio recorded by the audio recorder (in the ValuePRO App only).
Sketch Interface
The sketching interface settings control various aspects of the sketch interface and how the Sketch interacts with the Job data.
For details on these settings please see the Sketching Documentation.
Restrict Suburbs to Distance
Restrict Suburbs, this setting controls which suburbs are included when the Sales Search tab is selected. Only suburbs whose centre is within the distance selected from the job being edited are searched.
Default Sales filter
These settings control the initial state of the Sales filter when the Sales Tab is displayed.
Default Sort Order
These settings control the initial sort order for the Sales in the Sales Tab when it is displayed.
New Sales
When a new sale is created the Default as comparable the sale will be marked as comparable if the switch is set to “ON” as shown.
Update State controls whether the State field in an address is updated if an address is geolocated but no state is available in the returned address but an Administrative area is.
The default State is used to set the State on the Job when a new Sale is created.
Sale Settings
The “Show Selected Sales Icon” setting will show a new Icon in the Job Icons screen. Tapping on this Icon will display the Sales Tab showing Selected Sales by Default.
The Initial Map radius setting controls the initial Map radius when mapping Sales.
Lease Settings
The default State is used to set the State on the Lease when a new Lease is created.
The Initial Map radius setting controls the initial Map radius when mapping Leases.
The Same country setting will restrict Leases to the same country as the Job
About ValuePRO
Tapping on this setting display the about window showing all copyright notice and links to the ValuePRO website and to 3rd party components.
PS: Changing to a new device? You will have to follow the setup instructions again on your new device. Ask your master user to release your mobile license first.