If the Job being edited has a parent job the current job will appear indented from it's parent job, but can otherwise be edited as normal.
in the above 1/77 Whitfords Avenue is the Parent Job and 102 Windmill Circle is the job being edited.
If the user is authorised to edit the parent job, tapping in the Address box for the parent job will change the current job being edited to the parent job.
If multiple child jobs are assaciated with a parent job and they are atthe same address, the jobs will be grouped together. In the above screenshot there are 2 child jobs at 102 Windmill Circle.
System Tabs
There are a number of Tabs that do not display a list of fields, but allow entry of various pieces of information about the job.
Sales Tab
- Photos Tab
- Audio Tab
- Scribbles Tab
- Videos Tab
- Documents Tab
- Sketch
Sales Tab
This tab will allow you to search for comparable sales. For more information see the Sales Comparison section below.
Photos Tab
This tab shows all the Photos that are available for the job.
If more than one photo is available, a grid of thumbnails of the Photo will be displayed.
Tapping on an individual Photo will display details for that Photo.
Tap on the Plus Icon to use the Camera to take a photo which is added to the job.
Tap on the Film Icon will allow selection of a Photo from the Photo Roll to be added to the job.
Tapping on the "Delete" Icon will delete all the Photos for the Job.
Tap on the Plus Icon to use the Camera to take a photo which is added to the job.
Tapping on the Film Icon will allow selection of a Photo from the Photo Roll to be added to the job.
Tapping on the Pencil Icon will allow you to annotate an existing Photo.
Tapping on the "Delete" Icon will delete the Photo currently being viewed.
A photo title may be entered in the text field below the Photo.
The button to the right of the text box brings up a predefined list of lookups for the Photo title.
When displaying the Photo details you may swipe left and right to move between all the photos for the job.
To display the photo at the highest resolution, tap on the Photo to display the High Resolution Photo viewer.
Audio Tab
The Audio tab will display any audio that has been recorded for the job being edited.
Tap the record button to record new audio.
To play existing audio, tap on a recording to play and the recording will be automatically played.
To remove an audio, tap the edit button and a delete Icon will be displayed as shown below and the display switches to "Delete" mode.
Tap the delete Icon next to the recording you wish to remove to delete the recording.
Once complete the Audio tab will switch back to "Record" mode.
Scribbles Tab
Scribbles are freehand drawings that can be used to created notes for the job.
The notes can be simple drawing or freehand text.
When the scribbles tab is selected all current scribbles for the jobs will be displayed in a grid of thumbnails.
To edit a scribble, tap on it’s thumbnail and a full screen editing screen will be displayed (see below)
To Add a new blank scribble, tap on the Plus Icon at the top right and a new blank scribble will
be created, tapping on it will allow you to edit the scribble.
To delete a scribble, tap on the Minus Icon and each sribble will be overlayed with a delete Icon.
The scribble grid is now in “Delete” mode.
Tapping on the large cross that overlays the thumbnail will delete the scribble.
Once you have finished deleting scribbles, tap the Minus Icon again to change the scribbles grid back to "Edit" mode.
Creating/Editing a scribble
To draw a note on a blank page, just use your finger to draw lines/letters.
There are 2 thicknesses of lines selected from the menu at the top left of the screen.
Selecting erase will let your finger act as a pencil eraser, removing and lines under your finger.
The Clear Icon (the blue X to the right of the erase tool) will clear the whole scribble, leaving a blank scribble.
To close the scribble, just tap the close Icon at the top right of the screen.
Videos Tab
The videos tab is used to record short videos.
Note: The size of videos can be large and upload speeds can be variable, so it is recommended that each video clip is kept as short as possible.
The video tab shows the videos in a grid view.
Tapping on the “Delete” icon will delete all videos in the video tab.
Tapping on the “Plus” Icon will display the Video camera to allow a new video to be taken.
Taping on a video will display the details for the video.
When displaying the Video details tab, tapping the Grid Icon will switch the Tab back to Grid mode to display all videos for the job.
Tapping the play button in the toolbar or on the video itself will play the video in full screen mode.
Tapping on the “Delete” icon will delete the current video.
Tapping on the “Plus” Icon will display the Video camera to allow a new video to be taken.
Documents Tab
The documents allocated to a job are displayed in this tab.
Tapping on a document will display the document viewer.
The types of documents that can be displayed are: word documents, pdf’s, excel spreadsheets,
html documents, power point documents, text files, rich text format documents.
The document viewer by default displays the pages on the right hand side.
The Sketch Icon will display the full screen sketch interface.
For details on the sketching interface see the Sketching Documentation.