Stencils are used to place predefined shapes onto the current page. There are 2 types of Stencils, System Defined & User Defined.
System Defined Stencils
There 4 types of System defined stencils
The rectangle created is a standard 4 sided polygon that can be edited in the same way as any regular polygon.
Dotted Line
The dotted line ends can be moved by dragging on the handle at the end to be moved. Dragging on the middle handle will move the dotted line without changing the orientation of the dotted line.
Distance To
The Distance To line ends can be moved by dragging on the handle at the end to be moved. Dragging on the middle handle will move the Distance To line without changing the orientation of the dotted line.
The ellipse created can be resized by dragging on any of the 8 handles.
User Defined Stencils
To create a user defined stencil:
Select the Building you want to create as a user defined stencil
Tap on the Stencil button
Tap on the User Stencil button
Tap on the + button
Tapping on the Edit button allows the renaming and/or delete a user defined stencil.
After clicking on the Edit button:
Tap on the Name of the Stencil to rename it.
Tap on the delete icon and then click on the word delete to confirm the deletion.
Tapping on the objects button will list all the buildings on the current page of the sketch.
Is it possible to Delete buildings and re-‐arrange their order by clicking on the Edit button.
It is possible for a sketch to have multiple pages.
Tap the exit button followed by tapping on the Pages button.
Below shows a sketch with 3 pages.
Tapping and dragging left or right on the Sketch thumbnail will allow you to elect a page. Once selected, either tapping on use page or tapping outside the popup will change the sketch to display that page.
Tapping on Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical will flip the current page being edited.
Tapping on New Page will create a new page.
Tapping on Delete Page will deleted the current page.
Tapping on the input fields allows you to give the sketch a name
Saving / Exiting
On tapping on the Exit Icon, there are 4 options, Pages, Save, Save & Exit, Exit.
Tapping on the Save button, will save the Sketch but not exit from editing the Sketch.
Tapping on the Save & Exit button, will save the Sketch & Exit from editing the Sketch.
Tapping on the Exit button, (will NOT save the Sketch) will Exit from editing the Sketch. If the sketch has been updated since editing session began then a warning will be displayed indicating that you may lose data if you have not saved the sketch.