This feature allow the device to update the ValuePRO Standard Edition live while entering data to the job on the mobile device. The updates are done in the background and appear on the ValuePRO Standard Edition after a few seconds without having to re-sync the device.
See this explainer video on how to use continuous updates:
Note: This does not replace syncing of the device and changes made on the standard edition, such as new Jobs, are not automatically sent to the device. To get changes made on Standard Edition to the Mobile Edition, you have to hit the "Sync" link. This setting should only be turned on immediately after doing a Synchronisation or a Rebuild Database, and only turned off when all pending updates are completed. (The continuous sync indicator is green, see below) |
To view the status of the device's Continuous Updates there is a sync status button at the bottom right of the Job Tabs screen.
This sync status button can be one of these colours
- Blue - All updates are complete
- Red – Continuous Updates error has occurred
- Grey - Continuous Updates are not is use
Continuous Updates can be enabled or disabled in the Sync Status screen, this may be accessed by tapping on the Sync Status button.
This screen shows the following
- Current Upload Status
- Number of updated outstanding
- Error Message (if an error has occurred)
- A switch to turn Continuous Updates OFF and ON
When “Continuous Updates” are enabled and the device is synced, it is no longer necessary to upload Photos or data from the device, so these steps are skipped. The sync process will still download the latest data to the device, so regular syncing of the device is still required. This will ensure that the device is refreshed with the Latest data, including any new Jobs or Sales that are required.
If a continuous update error has occurred and the device is synced an alert will be displayed
If possible any outstanding errors should be cleared before syncing.
When attempting to sync the device, If there are still updates outstanding, an error message will be displayed.
If the device is offline, any updates are stored and when the device later re-connects the updates are applied to the standard edition.
If an error occurs, the status indicator turns red. No further updates to the standard edition for the job in error will be performed until the error is resolved.
Each error has a retry button so the update may attempted again.
If “Continuous Updates” are on then performing any of the following
- QA Check
- Send
- Calculate
- Send for Review
will not upload Photos / Data to the standard edition.
(The standard edition should already be up to date)
The menu options for the above options will be disabled if any updates are outstanding.
Attempting to turn off continuous updates will stop any further updates uploaded to ValuePRO Standard Edition and a waring message is displayed.