The My Current Jobs tab is only visible for user accounts with valuer account status enabled and is the landing page for when a valuer logs into the application. This page displays a list of jobs that are only allocated to the valuer that is currently logged in.
The lists that are available on this page are covered in more detail below.
List Views
The list views on this page are expandable and collapsible. They allow they the Valuer to quickly find any current job in the one place.
Depending on the status/due date and time of the job, the text of the job item in the list may be colour coded. The colours that are used on this page can be controlled using three settings:
- Black Colour - This is the default colour for all jobs that are not yet due;
- Job Due Today Color - The default colour for this setting is blue. This colour is applied to a job in the list if the inspection for the job is due today;
- Job Overdue Color - The default colour for this setting is red. This colour is applied to a job in the list if the inspection for the job is past due;
- Job Unprocessed Color - The default color for this setting is green. This colour is applied to a job in the list if the job has not had an inspection appointment setup yet.
The list views are available in the following order:
1. Latest News
If the Display News Articles on Current Jobs setting turned on, this section will be visible on the My Current Jobs tab if a news item has been sent into ValuePRO. This section has a bold yellow background to make it obvious to the user that there is an important news item that needs to be read.
This section is used to present a list of any news items to ValuePRO users. News items can be emailed into the list by sending the news item to news@[your ValuePRO company domain].com.
The news service in ValuePRO will monitor this mailbox and once an email is received, it will be automatically processed and placed into the news list.
News items can be read by clicking on the item from the list. If the news item has any attachments, preview thumbnails will appear when the mouse hovers over the news item in the list.
Once the user has read the news item, it will be marked as read and, if there are no other news items in the list, ValuePRO will hide the Latest News list header. If the user has not marked the news item as read, it will remain on the user's My Current Jobs page until the number of days has exceeded the number of days setup in the Days to Show News Headlines setting.
All read news items will still be available via the Offices | News tab in ValuePRO.
2. Jobs Awaiting Transmission to Client
If the Show Jobs Awaiting Transmission To Client on Current Jobs setting is turned on, this section will be visible on the My Current Jobs tab.
This list will contain jobs that have been completed by the Valuer and been approved for release to the client by the Authorising Valuer. The Valuer can monitor this list to action any jobs that need to be sent to the client.
If photos have been uploaded into the job, the photo thumbnails will appear when the mouse hovers over the job in the list.
The columns in the list are setup to trigger different functions when clicked which are outlined below:
- Job Number column - Clicking on the Job Number column of an item in the list will trigger the Print Report window to appear and automatically generate a report for the job using the report template setup on the job card;
- Analysis column - Clicking on the Analysis column of an item in the list will trigger the Analysis window to appear. From here, the job analysis details can be edited;
- Status column - Clicking on the Status column of an item in the list will trigger the Job History window to appear. From here, the Job Status and Inspection windows can be accessed;
- All Other columns - Clicking on any other column apart from the Job Number, Analysis and Status columns in the list will trigger the Job card to open. From here, the job details can be edited;
3. New Unallocated Jobs
If the Allow Valuers to Self Allocate Unallocated Jobs setting is turned on, this section will be visible on the My Current Jobs tab.
This section is used to present a list of new job requests that have not yet been allocated to a Valuer. The list will contain both new job requests that have been manually entered and new job requests that have been received from LIXI partners (eg: VMS or Valex).
If photos have been uploaded into the job, the photo thumbnails will appear when the mouse hovers over the job in the list.
The columns in the list are setup to trigger different functions when clicked which are outlined below:
- Job Number column - Clicking on the Job Number column of an item in the list will trigger the Print Report window to appear and automatically generate a report for the job using the report template setup on the job card;
- Analysis column - Clicking on the Analysis column of an item in the list will trigger the Analysis window to appear. From here, the job analysis details can be edited;
- Status column - Clicking on the Status column of an item in the list will trigger the Job History window to appear. From here, the Job Status and Inspection windows can be accessed;
- All Other columns - Clicking on any other column apart from the Job Number, Analysis and Status columns in the list will trigger the Job card to open. From here, the job details can be edited;
4. Allocated Job Requests
This section is used to present a list of existing job requests that have already been allocated to a Valuer. If photos have been uploaded into the job, the photo thumbnails will appear when the mouse hovers over the job in the list.
The columns in the list are setup to trigger different functions when clicked which are outlined below:
- Job Number column - Clicking on the Job Number column of an item in the list will trigger the Print Report window to appear and automatically generate a report for the job using the report template setup on the job card;
- Analysis column - Clicking on the Analysis column of an item in the list will trigger the Analysis window to appear. From here, the job analysis details can be edited;
- Status column - Clicking on the Status column of an item in the list will trigger the Job History window to appear. From here, the Job Status and Inspection windows can be accessed;
- All Other columns - Clicking on any other column apart from the Job Number, Analysis and Status columns in the list will trigger the Job card to open. From here, the job details can be edited.
Page Buttons
This section explains the functions for each of these buttons:
1. Expand All Button
Click on this button to expand all list views on this page.
2. Collapse All Button
Click on this button to collapse all list views on this page.
3. Export To Excel Button
Click on this button to export the list of jobs on this page to Excel.
Page Filters
The My Current Jobs page has a selection of filters available to filter and sort the jobs on the page, making it easier to find a job in the list or change the order of the job on the page.
The filters available are:
- Sort By filter - this filter is used to sort the jobs on the page by either Inspection Date, Job Number or Due Date;
- Company filter - this filter is used to show jobs for all companies, one particular company or any jobs not allocated to a company. This filter only appears if the Show Company Selection Field on Work In Progress setting is turned on;
- Office filter - this filter is used to show jobs for all offices, one particular office or any jobs not allocated to an office. This is especially useful for users who work from two different offices. This filter only appears if the Show Office Selection Field on Work In Progress setting is turned on;
- Job Status filter - this filter is used to show jobs with all job statuses or jobs with a particular job status. This is useful for users who may want to see a list of all jobs where the job status is Valuer Allocated (new jobs assigned to a user) or Inspection Appointment Made (jobs which have an inspection date and time setup);
- Job View filter - this filter is used to turn on user comments or full job history information to display on the page. This is useful for users who work with admin staff members that leave user comments regarding the job in the job history;
- Job Type filter - this filter is used to show jobs with all job types or jobs of a particular job type only. This filter only appears if the Show Data Entry Template Filter on Current Jobs setting is turned on;
- Job State filter - this filter is used to show jobs for all states or jobs allocated to just one particular state. This is especially useful for users who work across two states. This filter only appears if the Show State Filter on Current Jobs setting is turned on;
- Show As filter - this allows the view of the page to be changed to show the jobs in either List view or plotted on a Map view.