The Review & Approve tab is usually only visible for user accounts with Master and Authorising Valuer account status enabled, however the menu and tab security in each ValuePRO application can be modified and this tab could be made available to accounts with Valuer and Admin status.
This page is used mainly by Authorising Valuer users who are team leaders/managers and need to review jobs completed by their team members and either approve for release or reject the job to be returned back to the Valuer's list of jobs.
List Views
The list views on this page are expandable and collapsible.
Depending on the status/due date and time of the job, the text of the job item in the list may be colour coded. The colours that are used on this page can be controlled using three settings:
- Black Colour - This is the default colour for all jobs that are not yet due;
- Job Due Today Color - The default colour for this setting is blue. This colour is applied to a job in the list if the inspection for the job is due today;
- Job Overdue Color - The default colour for this setting is red. This colour is applied to a job in the list if the inspection for the job is past due;
The list views are available in the following order:
- Valuer Jobs
- Jobs Awaiting Transmission to Client
1. Valuer Jobs
This section is used to present a list of existing jobs that have been submitted by Valuers to their Authorising Valuer for approval and release. The jobs in this section are by default grouped together by Valuer, however the page filters can be used to group the jobs in this section by client instead.
If the Show Analysis in Review and Approve Tab setting is turned on, a snapshot of the job with the calculations per square metre is displayed in the row below.
The columns in the list are setup to trigger different functions when clicked which are outlined below:
- Job Number column - Clicking on the Job Number column of an item in the list will trigger the Print Report window to appear and automatically generate a report for the job using the report template setup on the job card;
- Reject columns - Ticking the checkbox in this column presents a Corrections to be made text field to enter the reason the job was not approved and rejected. Pressing the Save Changes button will then commit the rejection of the job, return the job to the assigned Valuers list of jobs, add a note to the job history with the date and time of the rejection, update the job status to Corrections Required and, if the email template is activated, present the user with the Corrections Required before Release email template to be sent from the application;
- QA column - This column is only visible if the Enable QA Checkbox on Review and Approve setting is turned on. Ticking the checkbox in this column, then pressing the Save Changes button will update QA Check Pass/Fail field in the job and add a note to the job history to state that the job has passed internal QA review;
- Approve for Release column - Ticking the checkbox in this column automatically ticks the checkbox in the Allow Client Access column. When the Save Changes button is clicked, ValuePRO attempts to automatically QA the job. If the job passes QA, it will be considered approved and the Approved field will be updated with the current date and time, a note will be added to the job history to confirm that the job was approved, the job status set to Report Approved for Release and, if the email template is activated, present the user with the Report Approved for Release email template to be sent from the application. If the Set Date Out When Approving from Review and Approve setting is turned on, the Date Out field on the job will be set with the current date and time, a note will be added to the job history confirm that the date out was set automatically and the job status will be set to Report Sent To Client;
- Allow Client Access column - Ticking the checkbox in this column, then pressing the Save Changes button will allow the jobs to be released and visible in the Client portal for existing clients who have been setup with client access;
- All Other columns - Clicking on any other column apart from the Job Number, Reject, QA, Approve for Release and Allow Client Access columns in the list will trigger the Job card to open. From here, the job details can be edited.
NOTE: All checkboxes above are only enabled for editing for Master users or the Authorising Valuer only.
2. Jobs Awaiting Transmission to Client
If the Show Jobs Awaiting Transmission To Client on Current Jobs setting is turned on, this section will be visible on the My Current Jobs tab.
This list will contain jobs that have been completed by the Valuer and been approved for release to the client by the Authorising Valuer. The Valuer can monitor this list to action any jobs that need to be sent to the client.
If photos have been uploaded into the job, the photo thumbnails will appear when the mouse hovers over the job in the list.
The columns in the list are setup to trigger different functions when clicked which are outlined below:
- Status column - Clicking on the Status column of an item in the list will trigger the Job History window to appear. From here, the Job Status and Inspection windows can be accessed;
- All Other columns - Clicking on any other column apart from the Job Number, Analysis and Status columns in the list will trigger the Job card to open. From here, the job details can be edited;
Page Buttons
This section explains the functions for each of these buttons:
Page Filters
The Review & Approve page has a selection of filters available to filter and sort the jobs on the page, making it easier to find a job in the list or change the order of the job on the page.
The filters available are:
- Order By filter - this groups the jobs displayed on this page by either Valuer Name or Client Name;
- Office filter - this filter is used to show jobs for all offices, one particular office or any jobs not allocated to an office. This is especially useful for users who work from two different offices.
- Job Status filter - this filter is used to show jobs with all job statuses or jobs with a particular job status. This is useful for users who may want to see a list of all jobs where the job status is Valuer Allocated (new jobs assigned to a user) or Inspection Appointment Made (jobs which have an inspection date and time setup);
- Job Type filter - this filter is used to show jobs with all job types or jobs of a particular job type only. This filter only appears if the Show Data Entry Template Filter on Current Jobs setting is turned on;
- QA Status filter - this filter is used to show jobs depending on their QA status. This filter only appears if the Enable QA Checkbox on Review and Approve setting is turned on;
- Job State filter - this filter is used to show jobs for all states or jobs allocated to just one particular state. This is especially useful for users who work across two states. This filter only appears if the Show State Filter on Current Jobs setting is turned on;
- Show As filter - this allows the view of the page to be changed to show the jobs in either List view or plotted on a Map view.