How to add a field to a DET
1. Open your DET editing screen
Navigation: Templates > Data Entry Templates
Open your Data Entry Template you want to add the field to, by clicking on its name.
Navigate to the tab name of the area where this field will be placed.
2. Add the Field (create it or select from available fields)
2.1 Existing Field
Select the tab where the field should be added.
It is always a good idea to check first if this field does not already exist. Use the search bar to check.
To add an existing field, simply select it by clicking on its name, and click on the => arrow to bring it across to the right column.
2.2 New field
Click the "Add Field" button.
This will open a blank field card. Start by naming the field something sensible. Remember, you have to be able to look this field up for other templates too.
Note: The Actual Field Name is what you would use in the merge tag on the template.
- If the field is a text field, select the base field type as text.
- If the field is a number field, select the number base type.
- If there is any other fields or field options you would like to use like drop down menus or select boxes, read our article on field types for more info.
Once the field settings are as you would prefer them, save the field card and close it.
Tip: If you do not know what a setting is for, it is best to not adjust it till you have more information on it. Contact us with any questions.
3. Once created, add the field to the right tab
Go to your DET editing screen and add this field to the tab of preference:
Select the tab:
Click the => arrow to bring the field across to that tab. Its name will move from the left column to the right. (The right column is the picked fields for that tab. The left column is available fields.)
PS: If you want this field to show on your mobile application then do the same there by selecting from the drop down box indicated below to Mobile Edition.