Documents uploaded into the job card can automatically be inserted into the job report when it is generated. This is controlled using the Bookmarks feature in MS Word. The format of the bookmark is “VPD_DocumentTitle” where “VPD_” is the trigger to know a document is to be inserted and the “DocumentTitle” is the title of the document in the job card.
Step 1
In the word template, go to the section where the document is to be inserted and put the cursor where the document should start inserting from. Then goto Insert -> Bookmark to insert the VPD_ bookmark. Once done save and upload the word template.
Step 2
On the job card upload the document that is to be inserted into the generated report. Ensure that the Title is the same as the document title set in the VPD bookmark. For example if the VPD bookmark set is “VPD_Information” then the title of the document should be set as “Information”.
Step 3
When the report is generated, each page of the document will be inserted in the respective section.